About Us
The San Jose Motorcycle Club exists to advocate for motorcycling, promote good will and brotherhood between motorcyclists, as well as promote rider safety and the rights of motorcyclists. In laymans terms, the club is just a way for a group of people to get together and enjoy riding motorcycles.
The San Jose Motorcycle Club officially began in 1932 out of San Jose, California, and included many prominent figures from the local flat-tracking scene, sporting the club colors of green and gold. Under the AMA District #36, the San Jose Motorcycle Club, usually refered to under the nickname "The Dons", continued to grow and stay a prominent figure in the Bay Area motorcycling scene to this day.
Generally, the "official" riding season begins in March, when The Dons start to lead rides and support sister clubs all the way into October, where activity tends to decrease. This riding season includes led pack rides, AMA scheduled events, and most often informal rides that are put together on short notice. Posted rides can usually be found on the calender with the meetup times, and location. Besides the weekend rides, club meetings are held the first and third Wednesday of the month at the clubhouse, beginning at 7:30 PM. Guests, visitors from other clubs, and riders looking for more information about prospecting are always welcome to drop in.